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An Isolated Speaker is a Prepared and Elevated Speaker

In your journey of faith, there are times when God may isolate you, removing you from distractions and influences that may hinder your spiritual growth and your growth as a speaker. This period of isolation should be a time of deep introspection, learning, and transformation.

During this time, God will download many things to you. Embrace them. They will enable you to speak with more power, clarity, boldness, and conviction (belief). You will no longer be afraid. You will purge the people, places, and things that God has shown you are no longer in your circle, who you're not supposed to hang around for long lengths of time (family and friends), and who are not on your path to elevation.

This is not a time to get the big swollen head of conceit or over confidence (there is never a time for that). Instead it’s a time to get crystal clear in your calling and your being chosen to bring new news to the poor in spirit (and poor literally). It’s a time for humility and godly confidence. You will need both for where God is taking you. Take this seriously or you will not reach the people.

Also know that this isolation is temporary, yet isolation is always critical to get you prepared for your amazing next. It's in isolation, you hear God's voice more clearly and understand His purpose for your life. While this time can feel lonely or challenging, they are opportunities for you to draw closer to God, rely on His strength, and develop a deeper, more intimate relationship with Him. So when you speak to people, they will really hear you (what God is telling you to tell them). Then many will be helped. Isn't that wonderful?

"But the Lord said to him, 'Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My name before Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel. For I will show him how many things he must suffer for My name’s sake.'" - Acts 9:15-16 (NKJV)

This verse highlights how God chose Saul (later Paul) for a specific purpose and, in the process, isolated him to prepare him for his mission. Paul's time of isolation and transformation illustrates how God can use periods of isolation to refine and equip you for His work.

Be encouraged and go forth in what God has told you to do and to whom to speak to. God has called and chosen YOU. Enjoy your time of isolation. For it is a great time of preparation for your “stage” and elevation for your platform.

149. You're Worried About the Wrong Thing
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